Monday, January 19, 2009

Seize fire~

Alhamdulillah, finally the Palestinians can live in peace. At least for now. No one knows how long this condition will continue. Today, the clean up process begin. Rescuers and paramedics had started to search for missing bodies stumbled under collapsed building. May God be with the souls of the innocent victims.

The 3 weeks of inhumanity actions by Israels caused a massive destruction in Gaza. The Palestinians homes collapsed. They lost their foods sources. And now, they're depending on us, the world, and all the Muslim to help them get back their life. Feed their children and built them their home for shelter. Only now, the Saudi took their action. Donates USD 1 Billion to help reconstructing Gaza. But of course, the money couldn't replace the lost of thousands life including children and woman.

In the recent news, Saudi claimed that Israels ammo had depleted uranium. WTF? Uranium as being used in nuclear bombing.. The effect of the uranium will continue for a few generations. That's what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If this is true, the UN can;t just stand silent. A serious action need to be taken towards the Zionis. They have to be brought to the ICJ. It's clearly against the humanitarian law.

In my thought, no wonder that the Zionis army can dance and laugh when they leaved Gaza. They'd already know the effect that the Palestinian will suffer from their acts. For zionis, phosphorus isn't enough. Uranium does the work much better. Let's us see what will the UN do if this news is true.

Now that the Zionis is out of Gaza, will the people around the world stop protesting? Will they stop from collecting signatures? Will they stop from boycotting the Israels' and US products? Will there be no more act of burning Bush's and Olmert's Doll? To me, this kind of actions is wasted and undeniably have no effects. Take the act of burning the Israel's flag. In order to burn the flag, first they should buy it. Using their own money to buy the Israel;s flag and burn it down. Stupid isn't it? Rather than buying the flag, why not if they used the money to donate to the Palestinians.

One more things, can we actually believe in Barack Obama in this situation. Can he stop the Zionis from attacking the Palestinian in the future? Can he make any difference from Bush? Let's us wait and see what will he do.

What will you guys do if the zionis, once again, attack the Palestinian? Don't tell me that you will go and buy Israels flag and do the useless act again. Instead of using your money and express your emotion, why don't WE use our mind and brain to help the Palestinian. If boycott and other stuffs didn't work, what will we do???

My Prayers towards the Palestinians ~

~sign out~

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