Sunday, May 31, 2009

Express Update.

Dun really have a lot of time to write so much now. Express update it will be for this post:
  1. I forgot Dayah's wed last 30th May. I thought it was on the 30th June. I'm so sorry Dayah, though i noe she won't read dis. But, wish u n your husband live happily ever after and get more kids.. tons of them.. hehehe...
  2. The internal verification will start dis Tuesday. My group will present on Wednesday. I think we'd finished everything that is needed for this Wednesday, except for 1 thing. I haven't explain our project to Ms. Safrina (our english verifier). Need to find some time before Wednesday. 
  3. Final exam will start on 8th June. Only one paper though. Ni biggy.. 
  4. External verification will be two weeks after internal verification. Haih~
  5. We need to re-check the slides and the documentation. Honestly, i can't let Paan do it alone. Though, he had finished it already. But still need to re-check for any silly errors. Which i'm sure there'll be quite a lot. Hahahaha.. [Lantak ko la paan kalo nk mrh pon...]
  6. Need to find a suitable date to go out with Dyana and Mien [suke le tu name korang aku sebut dlm post ni. tgk, bz2 pn ak ingt gak kt korang tau =p], since i'd canceled our previous 'day out'. Not that i did it on purpose, it's quite hectic during that time. To those two, i'll find some time for us for sure. So, wait just a little bit more ya.
That's all i think. U guys, please pray for me and wish me luck for my internal and external verification, and my final exam too. I really2 need it... 
~sign out~

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